Unveiling the Connection: Sleep Deprivation and Weight Gain
These hormones, the “guardians of appetite”, play a pivotal role in regulating our hunger cues and metabolism. Their close relationship can be profoundly affected by the lack of quality sleep.

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
Now is a great time to start working on your spring allergies! The process works better if we start before your symptoms become severe. If your allergies are a year-round problem, there is no time like the present.

4 Ways To Prepare Your Body For Menopause by
Know what’s to come and be armed with practical changes you can make to best support your body during the transition to menopause.

Creating a Healthy Food Foundation for Children
Children are a blank slate and often will come to develop a taste for most foods. Their taste buds are more sensitive than adults as they are not damaged by excessive salt or sugar intake, like an adult’s can be. Allow them to experience many flavors and tastes.

Castor Oil Packs
Castor oil packs can help the bowels move efficiently but in a way that supports normal, complete, easy to pass bowel movements. This improves detoxification processes in the body.

Injections Explained
Dr. Alex has been trained in multiple types of injection therapies, all of which can be used for a variety of healing and treatment options. These tools can be used for pain management and regeneration – a broad blanket statement needing more clarification.

Warming Socks Hydrotherapy Treatment
The warming socks treatment is an old hydrotherapy technique intended to help rid the body of infections by raising the core body temperature.

Sleep - Foundations Follow Up Answers
Read about a few key learnings from the sleep class people have told me they are introducing into their lives!